Sam's Education Background




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Primary School

Sam was in Macpherson Primary School from 2006 to 2011. During his time there Sam participated in the National Day Parade reharsal in 2010 reprsenting his school.

Secondary School

After Sam graduated from he went on to Bendemeer Secondary School from 2012 to 2016. During his time in Bendemeer, Sam was participative in Values in Action community work organised by the school. In 2013 and 2014 Sam went to St.Luke's elderly care centre to interact and play games with the elderlies over there. Lastly, in 2016, Sam went to collect newspapers from varoius HDB blocks near the school. The collected newspapers will be sold and the money will be used to help stundents with Fiancial assistance in the school. Sam also did well for his N-levels in 2016. He managed to qualified for the Polytechnic Foundation Programme.

Tertiary Education

Sam chose to enroll into Singapore Polytechnic PFP and started school in 2017. In his time in SP, Sam went to the Army open house in 2017 and Leap camp in October 2017. Leap camp is a camp that teaches students about the 7 habits. These habits are useful and help students to make better decisions in life. It also allow people to get closer with one another and work together to accomplish the goal of the camp.

My tertiary school, SP My secondary school, Bendemeer My primary school, Macpherson