Sam's Interests




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Sam enjoys watching competitive League of Legends(LoL) or eSports during his free time. He also enjoys watching videos from YouTube and often watches channels such as ASAPscience and Infographic shows as he can always learn something new by watching the content prodced by these channels.

Sam also enjoys cycling during his free time. It helps him to de-stress and makes him feel better after a good workout. He even owns a stationey bike at home and use it oftenly to keep himself fit and healthy.

Sam enjoys eating spicy food as it gives him a good sweat and a 'shiok' feeling. His favourite spicy food are Mala HotPot, Curry Chicken rice and Thai basil pork rice. This might not come as a surpise as Sam is half-thai, which is inherited from his mother.

eSports Pork basil rice Curry rice